
Wondering Wanders


11-30-2013, 08:22 PM

Aranya had never seen trees quite so tall as these towering behemoths. She was awestruck and her neck ached fiercely from looking up for quite so long. As it was she had lost track of the time she had spent wandering among their trunks. the sun had painted them in golden relief that morning, and now shimmered somewhere above her head, lost in their spires. Bird song surrounded her, too far up for her to catch sight of the singers, but there were a few calls she recognized. Robins, Jays, Warblers. Spring was near at hand, perhaps the birds could see it from so far above. What Aranya wouldn't give to fly high, high into the air and see all the horizon that she could. She envied the trees and the birds for being so high in the air. "It's just not fair," she murmured.

Sitting down, she rolled her neck, allowing her muscles to relax and her eyes to lull nearly shut. For winter, it was a warm day. The trees broke any wind, and she found she had sat down in a rare ray of sunlight. Her tail thumped, once, twice, in a wordless display of her contentment. This day is full of promises, she thought with a smile. I can smell them in the air, even if I don't know what they might be. She stood against a tall tree, the nearest to her, and propped her paws up as far as they would reach. Stretching her back, digging her claws into the sweet, soft wood, leaving her mark. Perhaps one day she would venture back to this place and see them, and remember her good thoughts. And if not, she would remember them just the same.
