
you make me


12-01-2013, 06:54 AM

She didn't know how to respond to his words. At first he was afraid to approach her, but as he got closer, he admitted that he had been looking for her. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as disbelief swept over the clearing they stood in. Did he really care for her? Was it just a falsified story to make her believe he actually wanted to see her in the flesh? If it was, then it was a darn good one!
Her blue eyes met his as he continued to speak, until his gaze shifted to the ground and he apologized. She blinked a few times in shock, taking it all in one bit at a time. He had searched for her and it did seem like his emotions were real. What was her reaction going to be to all of it?
What she did next tied it all together. Eria took the necessary steps to close the distance between them, extending her head out to give him a passionate nuzzle. She rubbed her head into his neck, breathing in his scent and feeling the thickness of his dark fur. With her eyes closed, she moved her head to rest against the nook of his shoulder where it fit perfectly. Eria reclined to her haunches in front of him and softly spoke. "When you left, I was heartbroken, Friction...I didn't know what to do, but then I was brought here for some unknown reason, and here you are. You and I were meant to cross paths again, and to have you search for me all this means so much to me." She pulled back her head to meet his gaze, liquid pools of ocean blue sparkling in her face. "I have been missing you to the point where it drove me crazy! I also had to find you, to let you know.." She leaned in to nuzzle him again, "your wish came true." Eria hoped he knew what she meant.
