


12-01-2013, 01:36 PM
OOC Name: Sev
How did you get here?: > Wolf RPG search
Age: 24

Character's Name: Xander Achak - Maior
Age: 3 Years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: (in inches) 34" - 120lbs
Duty: Tracker

Appearance description: Xander?s coat is made up of five different colours, his base coat is a dark cream like colour which is found outlining the other four colours on his pelt ? this colour is on his hips, front legs, middle of his neck and outlines his face. The next most evident colour is the black which is on the bridge of his nose, along his sides and on the bottom of his tail ? a patch of his colour is also on his shoulders and outlines his ears.

Xander has white which is on his stomach, on all four of his paws and just touches the fur on his neck ? there is also an off white colour which is not as easily seen which is also mixed in with the white, this is on his front legs which gradually fades up his legs and also on his hind legs which also fade into the dark cream colour. The last colour of Xander?s coat is a brown colour which runs along his spine and down the top half of his tail, this runs up the back of his neck and to a point upon his forehead and also goes to a point on both of his shoulders.

Xander stands at 34" from paws to shoulder and weights in at 120lbs he has deep chocolate brown eyes with a black nose and black pads.
(Full image in my signature)