
No Children


12-01-2013, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2013, 01:39 PM by Fugue.)
Her little growls as she ate told him she was enjoying her small meal with him, add as he bent down to take a bite from the chewy peice of meat, he noticed that the fae was actually letting her guard down a little with him. She was entirely vulnerable to him in her relaxed state, as he was to her.

He passed the meat back to her in a satisfied manner, his belly no longer eating away at his insides. He rose and shook his bi colored pelt, sneezing again as dust rose into the air around him. He took a short step towards the woman and gave her a quick lick between the ears to where she had no time to protest.

Fugue grinned and winked fondly at the femme.

"I really like you Micha. Youre a good wolf. Good hunter. But do you know what we should do now my lady? We should go find a cool pond to wash the dirt out of our pelts. Then I can show you the sweet taste of water prey."

His golden eyes swam with hope as He awaited an answer, expecting a blunt no but knowing that he would love a companion on his trek across the land, even if she were only to turn back once he passed over the dunes.

The trek would take at least a couple of hours to the nearest water source, and he would enjoy every bit of it. The sound of wolf companions was much better than the constant battle of thoughts within his mind. And, for once, they had absolutely nothing to say.