
Keeping Cool


12-01-2013, 02:04 PM

The journey from Tokota has been challenging and almost rewarding as he set out on an extension to his little adventure ? these lands were beautiful and it felt as if they went on forever, maybe he was wrong but he didn?t see the finish line to where he was standing. His black tipped ears flicked forward as his coal coloured nostrils flared picking up the seasonal scent of winter, easily identifying the sweet smell of water.

Through his deep chocolate brown eyes the young male looked from his left and then to his right before finding himself looking down towards a lake which was merrily tucked away within the mountains, a small path had been sketched out into the side of the mountain where many animals had trekked down to locate this fresh source of rain water which had evidently collected over a large source of time. He slowly made his way down towards the bank of the crystal clear lake; he assumed that no one would mind him lingering here, if only for a little while.

His tail flicked to and fro as he looked down into the lake, his image reflecting back at him like a mirror as he continued to stare, he wasn?t a vain wolf and he often didn?t care too much for his appearance, but after the excessive journey and the quick fight with the stag prior to entering this breath taking landscape, his muscles felt torn and ached throughout, knowing that a long bath would do his bones and joints well he slipped into the water. Allowing the fresh and cool liquid to lap at his sides as it rippled around him.

He remained near the edge of the lake, seeing that the lake was much deeper in the centre, he was a good swimming however only swam when he had too so he felt it was unnecessary to venture any deeper into the water. His claws dug into the bed of the lake as he dipped his skull under the clear water before looking towards the sky, taking a moment to just admire the beauty around him.

With the ripples of the lake's surface and the gentle lapping of the water against his multi-coloured frame he couldn't help but to loose himself in the peace and quiet that this valley had to offer. His ears flicked forward upon his skull as his nose inhaled the fresh smells around the area, the crisp leafs which crunched under the lightest of weight, the icy cold winds which circulated the area and sent a chill down even the strongest wolves spine and the fresh water of which engulfed half his figure, soaking his coat yet it was very much needed, assuming he was alone he allowed his defences to slacken as he rocked back to his rump, his body sinking under the water as his head was bobbing on the water?s surface; he could happily lay like this forever.