
Taking on a New Land


12-01-2013, 03:14 PM
Along the dunes a form could be seen moving. The movement was slow and steady, each hot step was taken with care. The from was Isabella who's foxy coat almost blended in with the sands here and there. The she wolf was thankful her coat was mostly light, most of the heat reflected off of her and she was not yet panting. She was in this land for one reason, to push herself. The islands did not offer her much of a challenge and after she reached the island. A den was easy to find and there were plenty of slow, fat preythigns to eat.

So, after wandering Isabella found her way to this hot and empty land the likes of which she had never seen. "The cliffs, the forests, the rivers, the cold empty north. I have seen all of them, but I have never seen a land such as you. If I have adapted to survive them I can do the same here. I must, I am strong, I will be strong, if I fall and die than it is only because I am weak and undeserving." She said softly to herself as she walked to keep her moral up.

The heat was slowly but surly taking its tole on her, both from above and below. She was used to the hot sands of a beach on a hot day but this was stronger, hotter, and here there was no relief of the Ocean. It was a relief she longed to feel, not only to cool her feet but sooth her mind. There was no Ocean here though, there wasn't even water. Even so, that did not mean there was not life. Isabella soon learned that as a side winder emerged from the sand, no doubt curious as to what was walking atop it.

Even though she had never seen a sidewinder before she knew how dangerous snakes could be and took a few slow and easy steps back. With her icy blue eyes on the creature she watched it dig back under the sand and move away. "If they can live here, I can as well." She thought moving on, walking just to walk. All of her stubbornness came back to bite her though as she found herself exposed during high noon. The heat was too much for her, she was forced to put her pride aside.

Looking for something, anything to shade her she moved to a dune and tired to stand against its side. Standing soon gave way to siting and siting to laying as the sun moved across the sky and shade started to emerge. The proud she wolf still held her head up as she lay down with her ears high atop her head. No matter how dominant she looked, he needed water at some point, or food, and had no idea of how to get it. "If I am here, maybe there are others. I must put myself at the mercy of strangers and hope I do not regret my decision." Her thoughts were calm and full of logic. Lifting her head to the sky she let out an emotionless and chilling howl in hopes to get some attention.