
Keeping Cool

Virgil I


4 Years
12-01-2013, 03:15 PM
It would seem that he would listen to her, well sort of. Virgil hadn't exactly demanded that he depart the lake, for that was not her place (she wasn't his matriarch, or his mother), and yet he exited. She felt relieved, although her heart could not deny the prickle of concern. Would the air turn him into an icicle?

An apology fell from his lips and she would shake her head. "You have no need to apologize to me. If you want to risk your own health, that is your business," she told him. Perhaps it was a standoffish response, for he was simply attempting to be courteous, but Virgil didn't wish to seem weak. "I also don't happen to wish to watch someone freeze to death. It sort of dampens one's day, do you not agree?" she said. It was a hard thing to disagree with, and perhaps there was a bit of a chastising tone to her voice.

He introduced himself as Xander, and she nodded, writing it down in the pages of her memory. He moved away for a bit, inquiring about her name and politely shaking himself out, out of her. She sighed, supposing there was no need to be so irritated."Virgil Olympus," she introduced, incapable of departing from her last name even when it held no weight in a situation. "Are you new to these lands?" she asked, being new herself. She wondered where he might come from, and if he knew anything of the packs in this area.