
Taking on a New Land


12-01-2013, 06:08 PM
Isabella turned her head as she caught the scent of another she-wolf coming toward her her. So there were others in this endless sand, or at lest this one was here at the moment which was all she needed. At first she did not see the other woman, all she saw was a silver banal and lovely green eyes. Though the eyes were not just green there was gold to them as well. Slowly, her own eyes adjusted to the form of a wolf the color of sand.

Right away Isabella sized the stranger up taking in her size, scent, gate and body language. Though she would not show it, Isabella was tense and ready to fight if need be, even in this awful heat. Though it was clear enough she would not have to, the other woman lowed her head down to her own level, something a threat would not do and she gave a few wags of her long tail. So the stranger would not see her as weak Isabella stood, even if she was small this was better than laying down and looking smaller.

Though she had no wish to insult the stranger, Isabella kept her ears up high, though her tail was even with her body. She knew her own words often came of as harsh and she did not want to seem that way to a wolf who wanted to help. Then again she had no intention of being open, she had done that too much in her past and it did not end well. She dipped her head in answer to the question. "Yes, I do not know where I am or how to survive in this land. I though I could learn and strengthen myself here but it seems I am wrong. How does one live in this land? I have seen snakes so there must be a way. Is there food or water somewhere?" Her words were emotionless but her eyes deceived how thankful she was to find someone who wanted to help.