


12-01-2013, 09:40 PM
OOC Name: Mae
How did you get here?: I booped in on accident
Age: Twenty

Character's Name: Mae
Age: Two years
Season of birth: Spring
Size: 27.5 inches, approximately 73 lbs.

Appearance description:

Mae never was one to stand out, personality or otherwise. Though her mother, born with snow pale fur, was considered rather pretty, Mae was graced with a tan and charcoal coat. Hers was nothing like the silky fur of her siblings. She received her fathers coarse hairs, and even her eyes were like his: grey with tinges of blue and green in the corners. She was, at least, comfortable with her plain looks. Small stature, small feet, small gestures. The only large body parts for the poor girl are her ears. They sit aloft, like satellites. For her duties, it is helpful. Otherwise, they aren't terribly attractive. Her tail is a bit shorter than she feels it should be, ending in a dark tip, with flecks of dark gray here and there throughout. There is only one bit Mae likes on her thin body, and that happens to be her left back foot. It has a dark color, but her tan shows up in small freckles. Nothing to spectacular, but nice enough to set an otherwise dull wolf from the pack.

Duty: Tracker