
Mysterious mystery of the world


12-01-2013, 09:53 PM

Liquid ice had kissed the world around them. Blanketing everything in ivory crystal. The crisp air tingled against her senses. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. She could feel the chill churning around in her lungs and warming up as she expelled her breath. Sandy color ears twitched as she walked across the barren grounds. Her claws pushed forward as she clutched at the ground in her wake. It was a subconscious habit. Her body was constantly at the ready for any possible assault that could be thrown in her direction. She was curious about her family in Seracia. She wondered how her aunt was fairing and her cousins. So she had decided to visit the lands and see for herself.

Her tail flicked behind her; level with her body, as the aroma of rabbit caught her attention. Her body grew silent as she carefully placed each paw before the other. She lowered herself to the ground and began to slowly make her way towards the rabbit. Her ears pulled back and close against her skull and she pushed off her back legs. Her paws were spread open and claws curled almost like a felines as she pounced on the rabbit. Her jaws aiming perfect to grab and hold and her head flipped backwards quickly to snap the poor creatures neck.

She dropped the rabbit by her paws and licked her mouth clean. She only felt a small amount of blood trickle from the puncture wounds she had created in the rabbit?s body. She was dedicated to keeping herself as neat and tidy as she could. Her gray/blue eyes focused on the child that was close to her age but slightly smaller then herself. Syren was made to be a giant and this pup wasn?t quite built for the power that was facing Syren in her near future.

?Well, I was unaware that someone else was stalking this rabbit. I apologize if I stole your lunch.? She said softly, her voice was neutral in her apology. Yet she couldn?t help but carry herself with authority. She felt she was superior to anyone other then her father. Even her sisters were below her in her mindset. She just managed to convey her opinions in a flattering manner rather then shoving her superiority down their throats.