
Persephone Acacia De'Morte


12-01-2013, 11:07 PM
OOC Name: Middy
How did you get here?: Can't remember originally (Dexters mummyyyy)

Character's Name: Persephone Acacia De'Morte
Age: 1
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: 32inch, 119 lbs.
Appearance description:

born only seconds before her sister, persephone is only inches taller then her sister. her coat sits perfectly on her form, hugging her curves like a glove, showing off the perfect mixture of muscle and entrancing twists and turns in her body. flattened against her body the sheen of her black coat shines near blue in the sun, soft to the touch she almost feels like feathers against another, the silky pelt carries just enough oil to reflect the light without being smelly or repulsive in any way.

her teeth are a brilliant white, glinting daggers that flash dangerously only in playful gestures or threats of the worst kind. persephone is thin, the perfect mixture of solid muscle and a seductive build that makes her seem like the goddess she was named after. her paws are just slightly larger then normal for a wolf of her size, along with the dark nodules atop her head, a rare genetic trait in her family line she was graced, and cursed, with.

her face is just the right size in proportion to the rest of her body, the hairs around her jawline fluffing out ever so lightly, give her the appearance of an innocent. her nose is a dark charcoal like the rest of her, blending in perfectly with the rest of her face. opposite from her twin aphrodite, persephone's eyes are a startling display of color, her right orb is a light silver, a bright mixture of the souls her namesake held, the queen of the underworld holds secrets untold here, ones to be kept to her death.

the other is different, the left, a light purple, lilac to be specific, a gentle, enticing hue that makes her seem more innocent then her body already would lead on, the color of spring flowers gives the girl a glow, chasing the darkness held inside the opposite orb.

Duty: Saboteur