
Live, Love, Laugh


12-02-2013, 01:09 AM

The Grand Duchess had been wrapped up in the business of the war's remnants. She was still focused on the refugees still staying in Seracia, but she knew that they would eventually return to Valhalla once the fireworks died down. That was why it surprised Aeil when Dragon wanted to meet her at the beach. At first, she was hesitant because she didn't want to leave her post. However, after thinking it over and realizing that most of the Valhalla refugees were returning to their home, she felt relief and decided to take him up on his request. After all, they hadn't spent much time together since he proposed and she figured that was what he wanted for them.
After making sure that everything was covered, she set off through the woods and past the borders. It had been so long since she had left on her own free will, she nearly forgot what it was like to explore the surrounding lands. A forgotten memory splashed her like cold water and she reminisced about the day she first met Gerhardt. She couldn't help but smile as she thought of how clumsy she had been, younger than she was now and less experienced. The thought of her old friend lingered until her paws met the warmth of the sand.
Immediately, she began to sniff out the love of her life. She wasn't sure where he could be, especially when he made it clear he wanted her there. Slowly, she sauntered down the beach, covering enough ground at a decent pace. Her nose quivered for his scent while her eyes looked for his massive paw prints. There was no evidence of Dragon on the beach and she began to get worried. Without knowing it, she walked near his hiding spot, and called out, "Dragon?" in a worried tone. Her blue eyes began to mirror panic and she wondered if she was in the right place.

Table by Roams ♥