
Cold Bodies of this Bleeding Empire



12-02-2013, 02:16 AM

Time had begun to slow down, it seemed. The maim of Taurig was a week or two ago and Maija was still racked with pregnancy symptoms. Her stomach still held no sign that she was carrying pups, and that was how she wanted it. Until the plans for Tortuga's future were revealed to the rest of her pack, she wasn't going to say a word regarding what she was going through. Personal information was something she didn't divulge into with strangers, and even though she was beginning to appreciate her pack members more, she still didn't want to open her flood gates. It just wasn't in her nature.
What also wasn't in her nature was to care for others like she did for Taurig. It had taken him months to get her to open up, but the effort had been worth the result. For others to have that happen to them, it would be short of a miracle for them and the gold Regina. This was on her mind when she came across a female enjoying her solitude. Maija had been patrolling the borders, checking for any signs or scents of Glaciem scouts who wanted to know the goings-on of Tortuga. Since the personal attack the bastard had committed against her husband, she was more paranoid and on edge than usual.
When she reached the part of the woods near the stranger, she slowed in her pace and looked at her through the trees that separated them. The look on the female's face was familiar to Maija and a hidden smile appeared across her gold kissers. It quickly faded as she slipped from the woods to the open air, showing herself coming from the left of the female's view. Golden frame still stood strong and firm, head regally held as she watched the lady with her leaf-green eyes. Maija wasn't the kind to usually start conversations, so she simply gave a sharp bark to the quiet air. Quietly, she waited for a response.
