
No Children


12-02-2013, 10:47 AM

As his tail brushed aginst her nose she melted. She was putty in his paws ans Gods be damned if she didn't love it. She followed him her gaint a happy trot as she walked beside him. At first they walked in silence and she was comfortable but was slowly begining to worry. What If he was growing bored of her? Before she could attempt to start a conversation he started one for her. "Were you born in Alacritis?" he sang. She swooned at the sound of his voice, it had taken her a while but now she realized just how handsome he was. Wait. He asked her a question. She shook from her stupor and groped hopelessly for words. " N-no." she said simply. "I was born far from here. I traveled for months before I reached Alacritis." she contined, her eyes on the ground. He was interested in her! Interested in homely humble Micha. She felt her heart soar with every beat it took. She felt her soul burst to life within her chest. No one had ever made her feel this way, not even Thane. Made her feel special. She was so ordinary. She was half the size of her companion and the color of dirt. The only extraordinary about her was her ears, almost three times the size of a normal wolf's and broader than any other animal's" And yourself?" she asked shyly.
