
Kicking Up Seaspray


12-02-2013, 12:50 PM
When Sebastian spoke, she watched him carefully and noted the aggressive tone on his voice and how he was not interested. Glaciem would be the perfect pack for him it seemed, but for now he was a loner. As he turned to leave, Aislin watched with a strict look until he was well out of sight. His offensive speech was nothing to Aislin and more or less it was a waste of time for her. Letting out a sigh, Aislin smiled and turned to Arayne who was laughing her ass off at how Aislin saved her. Aislin had to mentally laugh at the cowardly comment she gave, but for someone not used to such a situation, it wasn't too much to worry about. So long as he didn't come back, Aislin was pleased. In turn, Aislin also laughed at the cunning, and yet strange, way to step in the middle of something for someone elses sake. when Arayne introduced herself, Aislin nodded in response. "My name is Aislin D'Toula. And yeah, that was one of my more less impressive ways to save someone, though I was wishing for something more heroic... though I am not sure what. Still, it was quite funny." Aislin turned to look in the direction of where Sebastian left and determined that he was far away enough to not listen. "I am pretty sure the name won't be what you recognize, but his smell. The odor he has is quite foul, and I could smell it before I even got here. It tells me he is of the more violent type in more ways than one, but none-the-less, he looks fairly harmless." Aislin looked back and shrugged.

I just got done from recovering 10 days of the super bug from hell, so I am keeping this short.