
No Children


12-02-2013, 01:23 PM
Fugue nodded as she spoke, her words confirming his previous thoughts. So she was from far away...she must have had some reason to leave her homeland but she wasn't giving that much away yet.

We'll get there eventually. He thought to himself. Perhaps until that day they could just keep things simple, so as not to make the lady uncomfortable with prying questions. She was obviously very guarded.

He heard her redirect his question and wondered how much he should give away himself. He had absolutely nothing to hide from the dame, but she obviously wasn't in the mood for a full in depth story time either. He decided to just keep to the basics to answer the simple question.

"I was born in a small mountain pack just outside Alacritis. It took me months to get to my new homeland as well. Or at least, to find a place I could call home." His tail dropped slightly as he remembered his long and painful trek across the foreign terra. He had had no one to call his family, no one to call his friend, only his thoughts to keep him company, and they were hostile. But things could be different know. Micha could see his home...

"Have you ever hunted anywhere but the desert? I had never tried swamplands until this past year and I've really found that I love it. I feel that you would love it too if you gave it a try. Maybe even for a day or two, if you want." He invited her, knowing that it was a lot to ask.