
--when the stars align--


03-17-2013, 12:00 AM
NAME: Prometheus
PERSONALITY: Quiet. That would be the first word that would come to mind for anyone that met this hulking brute. He's most definitely not a chatter box and so not a social butterfly. He would rather spend the day wandering or simply lying around observing nature or others interact instead of him being the one doing the interacting. It's not that he thinks of himself better than everyone else, it's not like that at all, it's just the stupidity of others is extremely irritating to him. That being said, he isn't as stupid as everyone else seems to be. He thinks things through, over and over and over. One could call him over-analytical but he just wants to know every possible outcome going into any type of situation. He's not particularly rude, and not paricularly nice, although if you manage to tick him off enough, he might just be tempted to rip your throat out, as cleanly as possible of course. He is a man of few words though, speaking only what is truly necessary, preferring not to waste time on idle talk. He's not a very emotional creature, not one to wear his thoughts on his face or his heart on his shoulder. Althought despite that, he is one of the most loyal men you will ever meet, if you can get past his emotionless barrier, you'll find a man worth your time. Need a voice of reason? He's your guy. A shoulder to cry on? He'll always be there. Someone to just sit there and listen to you rant? He's just a howl away. Find the courage to dig deeper and you'll see who he really is and you just might not be disappointed.

HISTORY: There's not much to his history to begin with. He was born into a small family, just himself, his sister Jupiter and their parents, Orion and Moro. They lived a pretty normal life, the two siblings growing up in a loving home. The two were troublemakers though, pushing their parents to their brink half the time. Dead snakes, scaring out of nowhere, whatever you can think of the two probably did. Their parents were patient with the two, figuring that it was just a phase the pups would go through. They were right on Prometheus' account, perhaps not so much on Jup's. As all pups do, especially males, Prometheus was itching to get out into the world, to be able to fend for himself and become his own man. ANd so he did. What became of his sister he never knew and for some time he didn't really worry. She was a clever one and he knew she was more than capable of finding her own way. So he journied out, exploring, taking in new sights, new experiences and ultimately growing up. It's not certain when he came the serious man that he is now, but it probably happened somewhere along the way in response to something he saw or experienced.

He'd gotten exactly what he wanted; adventure, freedom and the time to come into his own. It hadn't been all smooth sailing, but he had never expected it to. He had seen a great many things, some he knew he would never be able to forget for the rest of his life while others he wished he could go back and just bleach from his brain permanently. His experiences, the good and the bad, shaped him into the man he was now; one of few words. He'd learned through his travels that although language was a powerful thing, allowing his kind to fluently communicate with one another, sometimes it just wasn't enough. One could preach the world but in the end the second party could choose to not listen and waste one's breath. Often times words aren't enough to quell the most basic of desires; love, anger, hate, revenge. Sometimes actions did speak louder than words and were sometimes more satisfying than any sweet nothings or hateful curses that could be dished out. Prometheus had learned this quickly and had made sure to commerate to mind.

Flitting thoughts of his long-seen sister Jupiter began to circle in his massive, earthen skull as his mammoth paws slid powerfully over the unknown terrain. Why had he come here? The answer was not clear. Perhaps his paws had called him here? Or maybe there was just something that drew him here...Darkened nostrils flared, chest inflating as the knight inhaled deeply, tasting a familiar, yet stale scent upon the ground he tread; Jupiter. Instead of stopping to ponder, the earthen coated male continued forward, his steps sure. That was the reason he had come to this place. To find Jupiter. As fun as it had been to go out and do his own thing, as his travels had begun to wind down, his enthusiam for the thrill dying down with age, he had found himself yearning for the compay of his fiery pelted sister. Sure, she had been a bit childish back in their pup days, and he was sure that hadn't changed much, but he loved her regardless. She was his sister after all and the only family he had left.

Prometheus followed Jup's stale scent, past the blood soaked earth and onto even more foreign lands. It seemed there were many diverse ecosystems coexisting together in this single, expansive piece of land and the brute was quite surprised. This was the place his sister had come to call home? She certainly knew how to pick 'em. Well toned muscles rippled powerfully beneath his chocolate coat, dual-colored aqua and yellow orbs cricrossing the landscape, searching for the familiar flash of his fox like sister. The farther he got into the new territory, the stronger her scent became until suddenly he came to part where the dominant scent was hers. What in the world? Why did it smell like Jup all over the place? It couldn't be what he was thinking, could it? Despite the confusion clouding his insides, his milky brown face remained impassive, bi-colored gems focused on the horizon ahead, massive crown titlting back, kissers parting to allow a summoning call to errupt into the atmosphere. It was time he reuinted with his sister and caught up on what she'd been doing lately. Skull was dropped back to its former position, cutting his call short, hanches folding beneath his mammoth mass to kiss the earth as he waited, plume curlnig against his padders. He had a feeling Jup had one hell of a story to tell once she figured out he was here.

Hope you like it Star c: