



5 Years
07-03-2014, 11:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Leave it to Max to be the voice of reason. Callisto could not say exactly where she had gotten her need for instant gratification - her runaway mother, perhaps? - but she had been noticing lately how little patience she actually had. It was good fortune that she rarely, if ever, needed to deal with injured wolves on her own, knowing with great certainty how lacking her bedside manner truly was. And heaven forbid anyone actually caused a fuss while she tried to tend to them. They would sooner bleed out than have her set aside her own moodiness to overcome their manic behavior. Maybe, she wondered, irritated to even be thinking it, it was a good thing I was sick during the epidemic. How helpful would she have been, really, with wolves who were panicking for their lives, seeing things that were not there, and so incoherent they could not listen to instructions?

The dark male agreed with what she said about the cold though reminded her of the fact knowing where things grew was just as important as being able to collect them. She knew that, as much as it bothered her, but she did not know yet of the plant that he named afterward. Valerian Root. She committed the plant's name to memory, even going so far as to say it quietly to herself, and listened when he spoke of it. Her thin grey legs carried her absently along, her attention far too focused on the information being given to her to spare any of it for her direction across the Steppe. So long as she did not run into anything, everything was fine.

"It probably won't have any flowers on it yet, will it?" Callisto asked speculatively. "It's only just starting to warm up." But maybe they could still find the plant, even without the flowers blooming just yet. The shadowy girl on spindly grey legs sniffed at the air as she walked, testing it, searching for any telling scents that might lead her to the desired growth if it was to be found here. "What does it smell like?" Maybe a little clue might help.