
Not enough to go around.


03-17-2013, 08:37 AM
That is ok and i said 6 rounds if you don't mind.

Ulrike's black eyes gazed upon the site of Abaddon once more, as the brute walked his way towards Ulrike. The accent that Aba had on him was different and had not herd such before. A twitch of Ulrike's ears indicated that he was listening to the words of his opponent."Indeed we shall begin." Ulrike lowered his head,hind back left leg slid back a bit to give Him a better stance.His tail was in level with his spine for balance.

"I wish you the best of luck. He said as his eyes narrowed and focused upon the brute. His ears rested them selves upon his skull, and his lips curled back to expose his teeth. His eyes locked on his target he pulled his head in closer to his body to protect his neck. If he was to get a good shot and make damage, he would need to get in close. Ulrike's tail swished as he pushed off with his hind legs.

the muscles under his pelt rippled with every movement. His large frame carried him towards Abaddon. His teeth bared and a small growl bubbled up and out of his throat. Ulrike was now close as he wanted, he pushed off with his hind legs some more and lunged towards the brutes Muzzle. If he did not move, Ulrike would sink his teeth into the flesh of his opponent. If he gets a good grip on the flesh of Aba Ulrike would leave hid neck unexposed, but his side he would do nothing about it. At this point his neck was the more of importance.

Attack: He aimed his attack on the brutes muzzle. If the male did not move he would sink his fangs in to the flesh of his opponent.

Defense:He took his head and made his neck unexposed.Hind left leg back and tail level to his spine for balance.

Injuries: First round: None Just started.



Edited to add rounds.