
Taking on a New Land


12-02-2013, 09:09 PM

The dame's voice filled her tall golden audits, and the giantess turned her less than delicate cranium to gaze down at the stranger. Her reply came smoothly, calmly, in mezzo soprano vocals that flowed from between formidable pearl razors and ebony lips. "If you want to train, first figure out where the hell you are. Always seems like the smart move, but maybe that's just me." She said sarcastically, smiling and chuckling. She meant no offense, at all, she was simply being herself. "I could teach you, if you want." She mused, shrugging. Ebony claws left fissures in the sand as it shifted underfoot, the prints trailing behind her steadily being blown away by the breeze that was growing in the dropping temperatures. "Well, once we get out of here, I can give you the ways in and out." She murmured, almost to herself. A thick silver bangle upon her front wrist occasionally struck the bones in her knuckles, but she didn't feel that anymore, she had been wearing the garment too long.

An introduction met her auds as well, and the dancer dipped her cranium respectfully in reply. "It's a pleasure to meet you Isabella." She murmured, looking over her shoulder at the she wolf who closely resembled a fox. Then once more came the femme's vocals, and she did not reply, since she did not know how to respond to such words. She continued padding along, and in the distance she could see the plains of the Western lands, which was a welcome sight. She was starting to get bored of this place, it was so barren and lacking in everything but sand.

and this is how you hold a conversation