
A frozen Waste


02-07-2013, 10:42 AM
Thane smiled as Ookami said she did not know any songs; thtat meant he would have the chance to sing with her someday. The wolf chuckled softly at Ookami's comment on his singing. His silky voice not too deep and not too high was interesting when he sang. Sure singing wasn't applauded or rejoiced in these areas but Thane was taught otherwise. Soldiers sing into battle while hunters sing to lure their prey to the lovely tones. the brute stopped walking as he saw the snow hare as Ookami did.

"Yes, that is the one I smelt before."

"Perhaps we should split up and encircle the hare before one of us goes in to kill it.I'll go to the left if you go right."

As he fiinished he got down low and kept his face close to the ground. With his tail swaying side to side he balanced carefully on the ice as he advanced toward the hare. Only when Ookami would advance as well would he keep on going.

The hare was unaware of what was behind it and the wind was blowing towards the wolves. They could smell it but it couldn't smell them.

OOC: xD it's ok, I had lost muse before but its back. I'm just replying randomly and I can't get on C-Box because the web filter blocked it but I can reply still to the thread. Hope this isn't too confusing. and tag :P