
More to Come


12-02-2013, 10:49 PM

His voice fell into the air accompanied by a chuckle, and the fae smiled. She was always one for throwing curveballs, saying things that often made others do a double take and wonder how she could have made that connection. He looked off at the sky, obviously deep in thought, and once more his sky pigmented gaze would turn to her. An inquiry met her russet audits, and she pondered a response for a moment. Where was she going to go next? She had heard tell of her brother being in the area, on a mountain called Volkan. Ebony lips would part, the damsel's sweet alto voice poured into the air around the pair. "I heard that Taurig is in a pack called Tortuga, so I think that's where I'll go first. Who knows, maybe I'll meet up with some family on the way!" She told the male with a grin, her rusty brown tinted banner swinging from side to side behind her. She looked up at the male, and her voice would once more find it's way into Fermin's ears. "What are you gonna do?" She asked, wondering whether or not he would seek out the rest of the family as well, or ignore them and go about his own life. She hoped the former, since family was an extremely important part of your life, and without them where would you be? Probably not in the same place you were at that point in time. She gazed up at her uncle with large orchid pools, honestly curious as to what her dark furred relative could be up to after this.
