
You know I could be just like you


12-03-2013, 11:16 PM

Tainted lyrics assaulted her ears relentlessly. Betrayer. He used the term so loosely, as though anyone who disagreed with him was labeled as such. Wheels turned within her mind, face void of any emotion. She really had no idea was had caused the tensions to run so high between her father and brother. But it didn't matter, not anymore, not after what she had witnessed. "Does is really matter? Everyone has seen you for the monster you are after you little stunt." Gentle words rolled off her tongue carelessly. The only one who didn't see it was her little sister. The girl was now an enemy, yet she sought shelter within Tortuga. The young Queen had little regard for her father and the words that fell from his pallid lips. Crown tilted to the side, mirroring her father, feigned interest playing on her russet features. This was a waste of her time, but the ghostly bastard stood in her path. Did he really wish to sway her opinion of him? She could almost laugh. If the Queen was anything like her father then she was head strong, unmovable in her decisions.

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