
Eye for an Eye?



12-03-2013, 01:36 AM

Hackles bristled against the pale fluctuations of his seething skeleton, a burning hatred evident beneath the unfurling fury of his venomous glare. Her words weren?t enough to ease the tension of their equal numbers, ?I have no business with you,? he watched with a peculiar sense of pleasure as he would come to recognize her mauled eye; only to remind the pale monster of the loss of Argent, and to find his rage fuelled by the disruption of his tattered family. Luckily for Chrysanthe, he held no desire to rip her scalp from her skull in the same way he had Taurig. She had, after all, only displeased him out of retaliation. An enemy she was, however not critically so; and for this the ghoul would stand quietly thankful, for his body was growing tired of ferocious violence and relentless punishment.

It seemed his anger had mellowed, however only slightly so, as he would square himself to stand at the regal elegance he had so been known to possess; swaying stiffly atop coral stilts as he refused to depart from her wounded eye contact. He had his hunches as to why she was here, and so he would stand to presume, ?Come to plead for your men perhaps?? and so effortlessly his voice had eased from seething rage to a taunting sagacity of sarcasm and toy. ?I have no use for them, and yet I do plan to keep them. So as I say, Valhallan; we have no business on this day, for there is nothing you have that I seek,? at least nothing I know I can?t get. He would angle his body slightly away from her, a brittle suggestion that it was her time to depart, and his also.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]