
Eye for an Eye?



12-03-2013, 02:56 AM
She would wait patiently for his answer, hoping that Isardis would listen to reason. The bastard had given her constant hell since her first fight for Liberty - all of this trouble for a girl that was still within his clutches. A bitterness burned within the alpha at the thought - but she had lost her mentor's daughter because of her own lack of strength, and no matter how badly that she wanted to, she was in no shape to start more fights. Until she trained with this useless eye of hers, she would not start any trouble. Once she managed to get used to the ailment, she would fight for her freedom.

For now, she hoped that Themisto, Bronze and Cormalin would be released. They has only been fulfilling their duties while Liberty had played with fire. And yet as he responded, the alpha's hopes would be crushed - Isardis was going to keep her men even though he aired to having no reason to keep them. And then to surprise her even more, he went as far as to demean the worth of the daughters she had within her own grasp. "You have bested us in battle, but as great a warlord you may be, I am surprised how little you care for your own daughters. My warriors mean enough to me to place any pettiness I have with you aside and try to negotiate." She would stare, emotionless, before she would look away from the man entirely. "Your daughters have no place in Valhalla, we are not a people that take prisoners. I do hope that you care for them more than you have shown to me, Isardis. They were kept in my custody only in the case that Glaciem take prisoners - if you will not listen to reason, they are yours to keep." It was unfortunate, she hated to say it simply because she had failed to get her men back... But she would not continue to raise tension between Valhalla and Glaxiem if she got nothin out of it but more fighting for the future. "I revoke any Valhallan status they may have."

He would see it as weakness she was sure - violence was the only thing that he and his family seemed to understand. But she knew she was doing the right thing. "You have what you want, please, if you have no reason to imprison them they are nothing but a strain for you to look after here. I have never initiated any sort of fighting with you and neither will they - please, let my men go." With that she would motion for Leon to follow her - they were done here. She had training to do and a pack to meet with and attempt to sooth. Her muscles ached and her eye was beg fining to thrum with pain - she was ready to return home.

"I am sorry Themisto." They were simple words, and her heart ached not being able to save him when he had fought so valiantly for her. Over and over again she would fail him when he did nothing but show consideration for her. Her footsteps after that were even, her head held high despite the lump in her throat. His freedom would come, she would make sure of it - but it would not be today.