
Eye for an Eye?



12-03-2013, 03:46 AM

He had begun to turn his skull; not daring to leave before she, but insistant on showing he held no care. However, as the burning suggestion of his poor care towards his daughters his skull would snap back towards her, jaws clashing together as a viscious bark of anger would steam from the vicinity of his quaking pipes, ?And who are you to make judgement upon my relationships with my offspring?? growls rattled his throat, rubies narrowing as he would take a daunting step closer to her, skull level with his spine as bared fangs would part in her wake, threatening. Isardis? passion for his babes were stronger than the determination he bore to save his own head; he would risk his own life to ensure his spawn stayed within reach, and safe. The wench hadn?t the slightest knowledge of determination and care when she had so blindly led her people to be slaughtered, seemingly without having trained them.

?Apparently, unlike your dismal relations; my blood are well and truly capable of defending themselves against your incompetent forces, as I have trained them to do so. If I didn?t care, I would be as brittle as you in your endeavours, and give in to defeat the exact way you have done so just now,? he would spit, his nature having morphed so quickly to that of volatile interest, ?But I do not have to explain myself to you; you ought to hold your tongue before we see fit to force that from you also,? a cunning reference directed towards her partial eyesight. He was done here, and although his son had seemingly appeared in his usual defiant manner, nothing was left to be said unless she thought it wise to push her luck and force the currently contained sovereign to a more physical level. ?Enough, Vereux! Go back to the den, now is not your time,? head strong boy he was, and although Isardis had been trying to keep the child at bay, he seemed to be somewhat intent on defiance. They would need to have words? yet again; but right now the boy was the least of his troubles.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]