
Common Ground



10 Years
12-03-2013, 09:08 AM

Odette was new to the world of flirting, but she knew that she was enjoying the company she had unexpectedly came across. When he walked around her in the circle, she couldn't help but smile as he spoke of how to take second chances when she ended up getting them. "I will be sure to appreciate them, then. If you say that they are gifts, I will keep my eyes out for such a prize." She still didn't know what would occur that she would need a second chance for, but for her own sake, she would keep an open mind in case it happened.
It was funny to see him react to her mental assessment, especially when he seemed to make himself physically bigger by fluffing his chest. The reaction was one she appreciated, especially when his tail began wagging behind him in what seemed to be a happy manner. She hadn't expected him to be in a better mood than when she first encountered him, but she didn't say anything about it. Why spoil a good thing that was still on a roll?
His response to her claiming she wanted to be like the wind made her heart race. She was excited to see that he openly walked through the door, and even gave her a new name! The evidence of her happiness radiated from her bi-colored eyes, for they shimmered against the cold, sandy atmosphere that surrounded them. When Neo bowed after announcing her name in a royal manner, she shyly turned her to the side, eyes hiding behind half-closed lids. Odette gave him a sly look from the angle her head was and her smile grew into a large grin as she daintily dipped her left paw in the air. "Thou art too much, Neo Gorecki."
Odette then turned her head to face him with both eyes still shimmering and a silly idea came to her mind. She lowered her left paw to the sand and playfully asked, "Now that we are established as the mountain and the wind, I have one theory that must be tested. When it comes to the abilities of both parties, can a sturdy mountain outrace the wind?" Her grin became wide and she didn't give him time to answer as her hind legs pushed into the sand beneath her. Long front legs pushed off as she regained her footing and Odette raced past him, a dark and light gray blur with tan gracing her face and underbelly. Due to the cold weather, the sand was more compacted than in the summer, so she didn't have it flying on either side of her like she did when she was a pup. She chanced to look back to see if he was following. Odette didn't slow down to do so, but instead kept the same momentum until she knew he was up for the challenge.
ooc: I know this is out of the blue, but I thought it would be fun. XD I hope ya don't mind, Fen!

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