
Don't Be Afraid to Say Hi



03-17-2013, 09:38 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2013, 09:39 AM by Chrysanthe.)
Ah so he was new to the place. Chrysanthe listened to him speak, letting him introduce himself and explain a bit of his situation. Cherokee - she liked the name, it reminded her of the pines within the forest near her home. For the most part he seemed to be lost - and although she was vaguely sure of it by the way he had called earlier, now she was positive that he hadn't a clue where he was. The yearling nodded, she didn't mind telling him what she knew at all. It was the least that she could do for the traveler - one that had made a decent impression on her. He had a good presence, and seemed well mannered so far. "Alacritis is run by its wolves - we have quite a few packs around here. Valhalla, Glaciem, Tortuga, and Seracia are the ones that I've at least heard about." She started her explanation, recalling the names of the packs and trying to recall information about them as well.

It seemed that she wouldn't be doing so alone though. Another wolf appeared, her orange russet pelt standing out against the terrain. She wasn't someone that Chrysanthe had seen before, and she turned toward her, offering her a small smile to acknowledge her presence. The woman seemed to have heard enough of their conversation to know both she and Cherokee's names. She didn't offer her own though, settling down and offering her knowledge of these lands instead. If she hadn't been so polite about it, her tones less friendly or words less willing to offer advice, Chrysanthe would have been mildly annoyed. But she was perfectly benign, a good natured woman that the Valhallan would be a fool to snap at or turn away.

"That would be helpful - thank you. Might I ask your name and where you come from?" She didn't smell like a rouge, but her pack wasn't one that she was familiar with.

Turning back to Cherokee, the female decided to throw in what she knew most about Alacritis. "I come from Valhalla - a quickly growing pack in the south west. The wolves there are strong and good natured, and it's quite beautiful if I do say so myself." She wondered whether he would end up joining the pack today, or at least show interest in Valhalla. A part of her hoped that he would, but she knew better than to get her hopes up so quickly.