
Invisible Box


12-03-2013, 01:01 PM

Willingly she had given herself wholly to him, and willingly she would fight on his behalf. As the call rang out she would tiptoe toward it, making herself known only at the last second. The man was begging for his freedom, though he was willing enough to fight for it, it seemed. A smile quirked on her lips, but it was hardly sympathetic to his cause. He was a possession, and possessions didn't get to do as they pleased. ?Who are you to think that you can go traipsing about demanding your freedom?? Head would lower parallel to her spine as she drew in her legs close to her body, but evenly spread for balance. Ears tucked over her cranium as her fangs slithered from their leathery sheaths. Tail swayed behind her smoothly, daring him to make her day. Her chin curled down toward her bosom carefully, protecting her jugular - for she was sure he wouldn't exactly play nice. Shoulders rolled forth as a phrase rang out loud and clear. ?Let's dance.? It would be the only inclination she would give before dashing forth with a surprising amount of speed, her body poised in line with his own. She would bring herself forward while aiming her left shoulder at his right. If completely successful, she would push him back with brute force where the fronts of their two shoulders might collide. At the same time, jaws would attempt sneak their way - only when out of view of his eyes - to snatch a powerful hold upon his scruff and not let go.

one of two
