


12-03-2013, 04:52 PM

Aranya took in the shewolf's speech and demeanor as she spoke again. Chill, eh? Oddly fitting, she thought to herself. She chuckled at the other wolf's quip regarding her name, knowing it was fitting to offer her own. "And I'm Aranya," she said with a cordial nod. She turned her nose to the wind as the smaller female went on. She too had scented a herd of elk in the valley below them when she had started her upwards trek earlier in the day. For two of them though, and neither the biggest of wolves, it would be difficult. Winter hunting for wolves was easier than for most, though. While the elk spent their energy plowing through thick drifts of snow, wolves had an easy time traveling the trails they left behind. The herds would be weakened by a lack of food, as well, so perhaps not all hope was lost.

So Aranya took a few paces closer to the small wolf, eyes narrowing as she gave her a final once over. Something wriggled at her, and her suspicion would not entirely die out, but her gnawing stomach aided her in at least smothering it. She was to go first, then? And have this shewolf at her back on a twisty, rocky mountain path? She mulled it over. "Very well," she said, and took off padding down the path. She kept her balance centered and was careful to go slowly, and every now and then her ears would flick backwards to catch sounds. They made better time going down than she had coming up, as was the way of gravity. Finally, as they came near the bottom, Aranya stopped them along a cliff top that stood perhaps twenty lengths above the forest floor. Before them splayed a meadow blanketed in snow. A herd of elk, perhaps a dozen, milled on the far side, nudging snow aside to reach the dead vegetation beneath.

Aranya turned to the smaller fae beside her and raised her brows. I am quick, but I'd wager you're quicker. Do you have a particular way you want to go about this?" Aranya turned back to look over the cervids beneath them. It was not long before a weakling made itself apparent. It lingered on the outskirts, and had a certain gimp to it's gait. It's color was duller than the others, and though she could not see from this distance, she would wager it had ribs peeking through. It would not make much for a pack, but it would still be surplus for the two of them. She waited to see what Chill might have to say.
