
Cold Bodies of this Bleeding Empire


12-03-2013, 06:34 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running


A light bark was all that the pure white widow heard, she promptly turned her head to see the golden Regina standing before her. Ashanti had never met her, and therefore lacked some knowledge to her. The fact that she was the ruler of the lands had eluded her at that point, the fact that she was a Tortuga wolf did not. "Hello." The loud wolf said rather shyly. She was all out of character in the pack, she was quiet and shy when she normally never shut up.

She stumbled to her feet, her icy blue eyes gazing at the female who stood before her. "I'm Ashanti, a little new here, I'm a Guaritore." She offered up to the woman. Her paws scuffing against the snow on the ground. Her mind was all over the place, half of it focused on the task at hand, talking to this woman. Half of it was just lost into space, it was strange. She never remembered being so unorganized in her life. She eyes had little bits of pain hidden deep within them.

She had never felt so alone, and she had never felt so home. She stood there, waiting for the woman to respond.