
Testing Your Skills

Aria I


03-17-2013, 10:23 AM
ooc:// Couldn't remember if you said to make it here or somewhere in Ludicael.

Rocks occasionally grace a lovely plain, and though the ponds and verdant blades create a pleasant scenery it is stained horribly with the blood of so many. Roaming wolves, rogues, and pups may be forced into packs in said place. However, this is also the place of battles, major ones, Pack challenges, ownership challenges, and rank challenges, may often take place on the battlefield.

That was what this place was known for, but today it would not bring pain to others or for anything major. Today this place was where Aria would spar with the Sol of Ludicael to test out her skills and possibly have the rank of Iridia, warrior. To her, being a warrior just fit better. The thrill of a hunt was indeed what she loved, but she thought her place in the pack was as a fighter. To protect them when attacked by another pack or rogues, she wanted to show her strength and be the wolf every one could count on. It brought warmth to heart, happiness and pride to know she would be able to be their guardian.

Now, Aria didn't come here thinking she would get the rank right off the bat. She knew there were some spots she could improve on since she didn't really have to fight ayone in awhile. This would be the perfect time to see what she was capable of and, if the Sol would do so, learn what she needs to change when fighting. This was a, learning opportunity.

The russet and white shewolf stood in the field with her head held high, green eyes scanning the plain. The Sol was not here yet, she gave a nod to herself. Showing up early was somehting she liked to do, it showed that she took such meetings seriously. Carefully she folded her legs, lowering herself to the ground intoa sitting position with her little stump for a tail wiggling behind her. Waiting for Jupiter to appear.