
Taking on a New Land


12-03-2013, 07:37 PM

The dame's vocals came to her tall auds, words that spoke of low self esteem and even hatred for herself buried deep in the fox like she wolf's heart. "Not even the Gods and Goddess' are that strong, Isabella." She murmured, smiling over her shoulder at the petite she wolf. A question came soon after, and the dancer was obliged to answer. "These are the Barren Dunes of Alacritis. Not many stay here long, since it's so, well, barren." She said with a chuckle, her mezzo soprano voice calm and light in the ever darkening land. Soon after she spoke came a reply to her offer, the maiden was trying to make the benefits of teaching her mutual. A grin played at the woman's less than delicate features as she let her voice once more fall from her ebony lips. "I would love that, I'll have to let you know when I can put that to good use." She responded, her grin still gracing her beautiful face. Soon the relief of grass on her hot pads came, and she sighed. Padding a few more feet, she plopped down on the grass, laying her head on her paws. "Before I show you the way to survive in these lands, I believe we should rest for a bit and maybe find something to eat." She murmured, sighing contentedly. She preferred grass over sand and water, it was so much nicer and softer on her paws. The willowy damsel's stomach let out a loud growl, and a giggle bubbled up from the she wolf's chest and through her lips. "Scratch that, we should definitely find some food." She yipped, lifting her tiara to gaze about in search of something to eat that wouldn't put up a fight. The carcass of a doe, who must have been unable to regain strength lost within the desert, lay a few metres away. Gesturing to the dead beast with her head, the larger woman posed an inquiry for the stranger. "Shall we?"
