
Don't Be Afraid to Say Hi


03-17-2013, 10:49 AM
He wasn't afraid to admit the fact that he was lost and more or less clueless. He wasn't the type of guy to put up a front just to impress others. He was the way he was and if someone didn't like that, then they had every right to walk away, as simple as that. From the warm smile Chrysanthe had presented him, it didn't seem as though she would be leaving anytime soon because his mannerism displeased her. Alacritis is run by its wolves - we have quite a few packs around here. Valhalla, Glaciem, Tortuga, and Seracia are the ones that I've at least heard about. she spoke, catching his interest as she began naming off packs. So, there were packs here after all.

Maw parted, only a moment from responding when suddenly a second creature drifted in, another female by her perfume. And what a sight this female was. Her pelt was a striking, fiery orange, strange markings adorning her crown and frame, her eyes varying shades of violet. If he had thought miss Chrysanthe was a bit odd looking, this new fatal took the crown. She strode in confidently, coming to rest a little ways from Chrysanthe, settling herself down upon her haunches, offering up her own knowledge of the land they called Alacritis. This new woman carried the aura of an alpha, though her body language hardly spoke of such. A low bow of his skull was presented to the fiery alphaess in acknowledgement, dual-colored gaze returning to Chrysanthe as she turned towards the fiery woman, thanking her for her added help and asking her name, sufficently having covered Cherokee's own question about who she was.

While the fiery damsel came up with a response, Chrysanthe turned her attention back to the onyx, alabaster stained knight, adding in a bit more knowledge about the land Alacritis, confirming his earlier assumption. She did come from a pack and now that he noticed, her scent did distinctly smell like one belonging to a pack. The way she spoke of her home, Valhalla, it appeared as though she really loved her homelands and cherished them above all else. Are they all as pretty as you are miss Chrysanthe? Surely a beautiful landscape only houses beautiful wolves. He was purposeful with his words, wanting the cream and clay faced woman to know that he thought her looks to be very unique and fitting. He had noticed her slight stare upon her initial appearance but he had not gone out and blatantly called her on it. Everyone was allowed to look; it was no crime. She had simply gotten his thoughts swirling once again, the question if there was something about him that intrigued her runnig circles in his skull.

OOC: everyone's welcome ^-^