
Bloody Brilliant


12-03-2013, 07:57 PM

Aranya was fascinated by snakes. They were strange, and they writhed and wiggled and slid with such grace. She would be lying if she said she had not tried to move as they did when she was young, only to find that her gangly limbs and oversized paws frequently got in the way. Luckily, her brothers Kan and Birch had only mocked her for trying for a short while. Watching the pile of the reptiles before her, though, she couldn't help but remember. This strange land held as many wonders as the night sky had stars, and the fact that she could travel the length of the land and go from frigid cold to balmy and pleasant was definitely counted among them. Not that she minded of course; it was a wonderful change of pace. As it was, she currently sat a ways off from a large stone slab, home to a pawful of sunbathing snakes. If she had any skill in distinguishing a venomous snake from a tasty one, she might have made good on this opportunity. For now, though, she languished on a small mound nearby.

She wondered, absently, if that blasted season up north would ever break. For all that she felt at home among pines and mountains, she was tired of snow and sleet and biting winds, of crisp days and brutal nights. She had grown used to wandering until sunset and collapsing where she stopped, only to wake the next morning and start again. In the north, you could do no such thing; to not have a den or a pack mate to share heat with was to freeze to death. So, she thought with a bit more obstinacy than usual, I believe I will stay here for quite some time. She could get used to snakes, she supposed. They made interesting companions, despite their inability to talk. She smiled, and gazed on.

Speech, Thoughts,