
Come Wake Me Up



12-03-2013, 09:00 PM

When the wolves started to walk in at Taurig's call, she took each greeting with a royal nod and a slight sparkle in her leaf-green eyes. Sibelle approached first and Maija could notice the protectiveness that was hidden beneath the words. A smile appeared on her face and she replied in gentle, Romanian tones. "It's nice to finally meet you face-to-face as well, Sibelle. I was wondering when we would." Secretly, Maija looked forward to spending time with the russet-furred female in the future, but she wouldn't voice it in that moment.
Wolf by wolf came in, one after the other. It didn't take long for the majority of the pack to be sitting in front of her and her Re. Her eyes scanned the members, remembering the faces that made up the family she surrounded herself with. Taurig began to speak of the threat of his bastard father, the man she despised with a vengeance no one else would feel. Her front claws flexed into the stone beneath her, but she didn't show any other physical signs of the distaste she felt for the man who sired her potential husband. However, the albino child didn't stay in her thoughts for long.
Taurig then introduced her to the large group and her eyes blinked in surprise. She glanced at him from the side before looking out to the pack and gave a regal nod of her head. Her tail began to shake behind her, hitting the cold air like a warm knife. He revealed that she was the soon-to-be mother of his last litter of children and a slight flush rose in her cheeks. Maija didn't want to come off as a solitary bitch, so she allowed a bit of herself to show.
What caught her offguard the most was when he lowered himself and proposed. Her eyes widened and she turned so her body was parallel to his. Maija watched and listened to him as he continued to speak, telling her his feelings for her and that he would be beside her for the rest of their days. At that moment in time, Maija didn't care if she showed too much emotion. She lowered her head towards his and was able to get her nose beneath his chin. Slowly, she brought it back up and when he was sitting on his haunches, she lovingly nuzzled his cheek and neck before pulling back to say in clear tones, "Yes, Taurig Artenie, I shall indeed become your wife!" Her tail began to wag and she rose to all fours, happiness radiating from the golden beacon. She licked both cheeks numerous times before reclining to her haunches and resting her head against his shoulder.
Shyly, she looked with one eye to the rest of the crowd and remembered they were there as well. Maija pulled her face away from the cobalt pelt and spoke to the congregation. "I will make you proud, my Tortuga family. My loyalty lies with the pack and those in it. You won't regret our Re's decision." She snuck a glance to Tidus and Sibelle. For the future, she knew that they would play key roles in her life -- as well as her future children's. All in due time, however. All in due time.
