


12-03-2013, 09:23 PM

Aranya panted and heaved, her lungs stinging with the effort and her muscles aching fiercely. How long had it been since she hunted anything bigger than half her size? A year? More? Even when lived with her parents and brothers, a kill of this size had taken the five of them, and she had never been the center piece. The animal died at her feet, it's blood mixing with hers, stark against the white snow. Before Aranya fed she turned to lap at her shoulder, trying to ebb the blood flow. The hoof blow had not wounded her to any great degree, it had simply split the skin, but she knew she would be sore the next few days. Chill spoke, complementing her, and questioning her before the smaller wolf began to eat. Aranya considered it carefully before answering. Had she thought of it while hunting? Of course not, the killer inside her had taken over, but this was the first time Chill had directly put the question to her.

Did she still want to join a pack? Or had she simply been cold and tired and cranky. Now she was exhausted, the kind where thinking too much was more hassle than it was worth. The only thing she wanted to think about was the smell of entrails and hot blood. Finally she said, "I guess I'm not sure. She swallowed back more pants and a fair bit of saliva. She moved towards the elk's shoulder. "It's not a light decision, y'know?" With that she dug in, letting her mind go and relish instead in the feel of warm, fresh meat filling her gut. This was a kill she had taken down. With Chill's help of course, but it was still a victory of Aranya's. This meat tasted particularly sweet.
