
Bloody Brilliant


12-03-2013, 10:15 PM

A Maned Wolf? What sort of wolf was a Maned Wolf? For all intents and purposes this female before her appeared to be little more than a lither, lanky fox! But who was Aranya to say any better? She had never been to this 'South America,' she didn't even know what it was. A pack, a place, what? She supposed it didn't matter, the not-fox-wolf was smiling and friendly, as far as Aranya could tell. And a friend was a friend, no matter what accent they spoke in. It occurred to Aranya that this wolf had probably seen lands and plants and birds and rocks she herself could not even fathom. The stories she would know! Aranya's demeanor changed rapidly. She stood with a smile and a wag and bounded forward.

She reached her nose out in greeting, though she had to really reach to compensate for the not-fox-wolf's long legs. "I'm Aranya! A timber wolf, although I'm sure you've met more of my kind than I have of yours. You said you're from South America? What's that? Is that a pack? I was born in a back lands and lands away from this place, all pine trees and tundras. Not warm, like this." She broke her rambling off, remembering that the female had asked her a question. "Oh! Snakes! I'm no good at telling with would kill me. But I met a wolf once who kept a python wrapped around his neck, that would strangle his enemies. Have you seen any snakes like that?" Aranya now found this stranger, this Araceli, fascinating and she was not about to let this opportunity escape her.
