
Bloody Brilliant


12-03-2013, 11:22 PM

Aranya drank in this information with gusto, lapping up every syllable. She did not know them yet, but she could sense the knowledge this femme carried within her. Aranya grinned, her tail wagging, not disappointed int he least the this woman had never seen such a snake. In all honesty, the brute's snake had scared her. It was impressive that Araceli could view such a creature as a meal. Aranya considered that Araceli must be much braver than she. She wondered if she could fight as well as she could kill snakes. If so she would be a formidable wolf to call an ally. "I like you!" Aranya boldly declared. "Will you tell me more stories from South America? Are there birds there as strange as you are?" Aranya wasn't sure how she would repay the female, but she would. Somehow. She supposed she would ask the stars if the night was clear.

Aranya sat down and curled her tail over her paws. Her thick winter coat was hot in the radiant sunlight, but right now she didn't mind in the slightest! The weather was nice, the company better, and it was only midday! The possibilities seemed endless, spreading out before her like a vast delta. Aranya looked towards the rock where snakes had once been. In an instant, it seemed like a life time had passed. This was a whole new moment, who she was several seconds ago no longer existed! At least to some degree, anyways. Ah yes, a good day indeed.
