
Bloody Brilliant


12-03-2013, 11:49 PM

A compliment met the she knight's large, rounded ears, and she grinned. The pale she wolf inquired about more stories of the giantess' homeland, and the she knight was obliged to provide some. She smiled, seating herself as the she wolf had, except her short tail lay out to the side of her lanky frame, it's ivory tones contrasting greatly to the land around her. She thought for a few seconds, and stood once more, long ebony legs taking her back to the remaining carcasses of the serpents she had slain. Plucking up what remained, she carried them back over to where she was sitting, and dropped them between herself and Aranya. The gesture meant that the pale woman could take some if she wished, or simply listen while the maned she wolf munched on them during her stories.

"Well, my home was quite a hot place, much like these lands. It could be seen as exotic, but it depends on who you are. I see this place as foreign and strange, despite what the wolves who live here think of it. There were strange animals, I guess you could say. Colourful birds, hard shelled mammals, and many predators that hunted the deer like creatures there. My kind, however, prey upon smaller creatures and eat fruits, so there isn't as much competition over food." She told the she wolf, lowering her cranium to the pile of snakes and snapping up a few bites of one. Lifting her dark purple optics to look at her companion, she began again. "There are mountains, deserts, rainforests in some places, and wonderful beaches in other places. We have mountainous areas, valleys, and grasslands that stretch farther than the eye can see." She explained, her voice taking on a faraway tone easily recognizable as remembrance and pride. She leaned forwards to snack on some more of her snakes, occasionally glancing up at her newfound friend. She waited for a response, or encouragement to continue. She didn't really know what else to say, however, but she could decide on what to say when it came down to it.

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