
Seeking Arrangement.Ala


12-04-2013, 03:07 AM
Welcome to your friendly neighborhood dating service ;D

Is your wolf, bear, jaguar, maned wolf, bird, horse, rhino, unicorn, or imaginary character to be feeling lonely? Then look no further!

I welcome you here, where your character can find the guy/gal of his/her dreams...or nightmares!
Here you can choose from an available list of bachelors and bachelorettes, plot, plan and see if the match works out!

You may post your available and single characters only. Meaning those looking for meaningful and long term relationships. No one night stands here!

What do I gotta do? Well that's simple, just follow the code provided below~
This is made to be fun, somewhat like a real dating site but for Ala charries lol
All sexual orientations are allowed(duh) no discrimination hurr.
So if you have a guy/gal that wants a crush on another guy/gal then you can choose who you want, open up a thread and notify the player. Just be ready for heartbreak when chosen character prefers the opposite sex or someone else. ;) or friend-zoned

AGAIN this is meant to be FUN. Don't throw a fit in the cbox or wherever if your characters intentions are denied. Even though you may be getting to know that character, there's still the chance they have someone else in mind kapeesh?

In the event your character is not actively looking for someone, then you may still post here and wait for someone to take an interest and see what happens from there c:

Character Name:
Character Picture: (Because we gotta know what the eligible bachelor(ette) looks like;D)
Brief description of personality: EX. Funny, quirky, outgoing, talkative, etc.
Character interests: Ex. Walks on the beach, hunting, sleeping, smoking weed
Future goals/plans: Ex. wants to settle down, have kids, live happily ever after, etc.
What Kind of Person am I seeking?: Ex. someone who listens, is nice, kind, etc. or evil, doesn't give a rats arse about anything, but will still be loyal, etc.
Wants kids in the future?: Yes/No/maybe/undecided