
Let me escape this delusion of mine



12-04-2013, 02:04 PM



Effortlessly he would slightly lean toward his left, allowing his weight to fall upon his front left forelimb more than the others. She was going over his offer in her head, and if she were smart, she would accept it. And she did. Ebony lips would crease into a wicked beam as the mans head tilted ever so slightly to his left. Eyes would roll over her face one more time before he would make his move to end her verbal existence. She would be silenced, never to tell others about him, or the things to come. Could she live with it? She would have to, it was too late now. His head would come forth, jaws gaping open as he attempted to grasp her tongue between his jaws, then pull swiftly backwards so that it would be ripped completely free from her mouth. He had enough of her mouth. "I just realized, you never gave me a name before you were silenced. Now I must give you a new one, no? Or would you rather respond to incompetent bitch?" salmon colored tongue would caress his lips as he washed her blood from his still gaping maw, lips curling to reveal his bloody canines. "How does it feel, hmm? Having such noisy opinions, and having to silence them?" He would draw closer, his tones mocking her decision. She had done this to herself, she had run from him when he had given her the option to follow, and now she would pay for it. He was not a force to be reckoned with.

talk, think

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