
blend right in


12-04-2013, 05:21 PM
Everything was quiet for several minutes. Maybe she'd made a mistake and there actually wasn't anyone in there. V was about to stroll into the grove when someting moved and another wolf appeared from the shadows. Black and brown fur, bright red eyes, male, bigger than her but she was pretty sure she could take him if she had to. V offered him a cocky smile anyway, supposed he was cute and she could be friends with him, and nodded at it. "It's a rare skin," she said. That made sense, honestly, so it wasn't even a lie. What it might be from she didn't know, but if she talked it up and made it valuable he might accept it as a sort of payment or whatever.

Although most wolves didn't seem to be into treasures the way she was. Whatever, she'd make it work. "Want to see it?"

The ranger poked it around with one paw, eyes fixed on the male. Caution was possibly a good idea here. After all, she didn't know him and if he decided to pull a fast one she'd have to move quickly in return. The agouti wolf stayed on her feet and waited to see if he would approach, a little grin on her face. Maybe he wouldn't walk up. It would probably be the smartest thing to do. She was a prety decent fighter, even though she was better with surprise on her side. Maybe she ought to dare him.

Nah. Save that in case she needed to. It was probably improper to start playing mind games with everyone she met. At least, not immediately. Also she didn't have any friends and Abarth had dissapeared at some point in the last few months; it was a good idea to not make an enemy. Especially not right off the bat. V didn't know anyone in this country.