
Taking on a New Land


12-04-2013, 05:40 PM
As Dawn spoke Isabella gave her all her attention. A small faint smile came to her, it was not every day a wolf saw her real emotions and it was even rarer that one cared so much. "I suppose not, perhaps I rushed into this." Her head almost tilted at the name. "A fitting name, I have never seen a land so empty. Yet there is still life here, amazing." Dawn smiled so much it was clear enough the female was not only a kind wolf but a happy one, and thankfully a wolf to take time out of her day and help others. Hoping there was more in this land of Alacritis like her Isabella's tail wagged once then stopped. Dipping her head happily as the woman accepted her offer she thought over what she could teach her. Deciding on a few key tracking skills she went over how to teach them as she felt the grass under her paws.

Giving a soft sigh of relief she paused, watching Dawn lay down and rest. Sitting back on her haunches another small grin came to her. "I have never been this happy to see or feel grass." Her voice was a little softer this time, though still not trusting she was getting to like Dawn and saw her as a possible friend. Her ears were up as she sat, moving to catch any sounds should a foe come upon them while they were resting. It was unlikely in a place like this but she did not want to let down her guard. Catching the larger female's words an timely growl of her stomach she nodded.

Looking where Dawn did she nodded. "Yes, we shall give this creature a way to live beyond death by living within us. I am just glad that was not me." She said standing and moving over to the doe at a moderate pace. She paused at the carcass and lowered her head, thanking the beast for its life.That done she tore into the front leg, her pearl white fangs stained red. Though Dawn did not make the kill she still found it so Isabella left the best parts, the hindquarters, open for her.