
Stopping to sip the red wine



12-04-2013, 05:48 PM

He would watch with a furrowed brow as the traumatized woman came to gaze upon him, and Oddity would release her with a sense of submission towards his Kings requests. He was aware of Oddity?s dark history, and yet never would the albino have suspected the man of such volatile behaviour. She had seemingly done nothing against him, and yet here was the woman being torn to pieces with no idea of what she had done wrong. Had she tried to run from claim? Then he should have let her run, cowards had no place in Glaciem; at least not now that the numbers were so overwhelming.

He scowled at the ebony?s last words, ears pulling against coral skull as rubies would narrow, ?This was not needed; had you any wisdom you would come to know a wench until you made her your enemy, what use do I have for a torn and broken woman that has no room left in her mind for our people other than the hatred you have formed?? skull shook slowly, hackles bristled with a disappointed sense of temper. His gaze fell to the babe beneath him, tawny pelt stained by the imposing sights of blood. Perhaps she would have been quite the pretty thing, had her features not have been so concerned and her pelt so tarnished. ?Our healer will tend to you and your wounds, and I request you stay for a short time to recuperate; can you walk, Wench?? his gaze had fallen upon her emerald glare, he would not apologise for Oddity, it was not his place.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]