
Even stone will crumble


03-17-2013, 05:29 PM

the spring sun fell across Midnight's black pelt as she moved swiftly across the plain, she had moved east when the snows had started to melt drawing the prey from the woods out into open pasture and turning her usually pleasant home into a muddy mire. She did not like the mud it made keeping clean a pain far better to move south east into the land where snow and ice was a far more distant memory. She paused scenting the air before moving forward once more ahead she could see stone pillars rising out of the ground curious she began to move towards them.

Short brown claws clicked against the smooth stone surface of the ground and midnight paused unsure for a moment It was clear to her that this was not a natural formation but it was so old and broken down, whatever or whoever had made this settlement was long gone and nature was once again claiming what was hers small plants forcing their way through the rocky ground, houses tumbled to form small hills and look outs. Moving among the towers and hills of stone she kept to the shadows her golden eyes looking in every direction and her nose running wild.. She paused once more as she came out into a large open space the stones here where cracked and broken forced lose from their housings by the large tree that stood at the heart of the square. the large tree stood at the center of the unnatural clearing it ample branches stretched out across the plaza offering shade and protection from the heat of the midday sun its roots had snaked forth breaking up the rock path and showing the rich brown soil beneath. Birds fluttered around in the lone trees bows chirping and singing.

Midnight yawned and rolled her shoulders, she had been moving almost non stop since crossing the wall two days earlier she glanced around at the half collapsed buildings around her then started forward the wind blowing lightly from behind her, she would rest under this tree she decided until the sun dropped more and the unfamiliar heat dissipated, then she would move on see what else their was to see in this world of green and heat.
