
Bloody Brilliant


12-04-2013, 07:11 PM

Aranya could not fathom leaving such a place, but she supposed that was Araceli's prerogative. Perhaps one day Aranya too could swim and island hop and find this land her companion spoke so highly of. But for now, she was here, and a question had been posed to her. Why had she left home? It was a query worth ruminating over. It was a many layered issue, and not one easily summed up. "Well," she said finally. "In a way it was just time, but there was more to it than that. My parents were loners, and even though our land was undesirable, there were packs all around that harassed us." She remembered her father stumbling back to the den one night, bleeding heavily. Her mother, carrying a new litter of brothers and sisters, attacked in the night, losing the litter. Her brothers learning how to fight.

She shook herself out of her memories with a little jolt, and plastered a smile onto her lips. "We couldn't stick together, no pack lets five wolves wandering through their lands. So we split up. I'd like to meet them again some day, though." She finished her story with a happy shrug, as if it was not quite so bitter sweet. Whether Araceli believed her or not remained to be seen. Perhaps if the gods were kind her brothers would return to her. She would sell an eye to smell her mother's fur again, never mind the adventures she had had since leaving. Were they worth it? Aranya wasn't sure, but she did know she was very different know. Long moons wandering the land could do that, she thought dryly.
