


12-04-2013, 09:54 PM

There was a reason Chill suggested a pack of loners, it was actually to prove her point, because packs here where the same as a group of loners she suggested, and she would enjoy watching them eventually become close, decide to be a pack, then slash all their friendships for dominance over a group of strangers. It would be fun and exciting, something you didn't see everyday, and every once in a while she would steal a pup from a mother to test her poisons on. This would work out perfectly, Aranya would have her family unit, and Chill would have her test subjects.

Just the thought made Chill jump up into the air and twist into a circle in an unfamiliar emotion, happiness perhaps? She dug her claws into the snow, peeking left and right and she looked around. She knew another pack was close, actually two if she remembered the scents correctly, and they probably wouldn't appreciate a group of loners near their territory. But who cares, if they had an issue they could take it up with her poison coated teeth.

Poison. Poison. Poison. She could not wait, so she followed after Aranya, her eyes sliding around the air as she tried to think about the best way to grow their numbers, and then she remembered loners where all around, and some would want to bunker down for the winter. "Oh this will be so much fun!" She squealed before darting off toward the tree line.
