
A Day To Remember (Demonio)


03-17-2013, 06:47 PM

Recovery had been a slow and tedious process, her leg had been barely functional once the scabs began to form. At Demonio's insistence she had cleaned the appendage in the river daily, with his help of course. By the second week she was up and walking and by the third, all that was left of the injury were a few scars, and even they were slowly being covered by her fur to join countless more that she carried beneath her pelt.

Demonio had rarely left her side, to do his own duties for the packs, and to hunt. She caught to know her beloved a great deal more, mainly through gentle words and soft whispers of both love and devotion, they both seemed to have a horrible time when they weren't practically glued to the other. Separation anxiety seemed to fit them perfectly. He so much as meandered to the other side of the den and Desdemona's heart wept at the loss, her body screaming for his warmth to return to her. When he was dragged away from her side her mind was plagued with thoughts of his smile, his warmth, his touch.

Today was one of those days, she had woken up alone. She knew not where her beloved had ventured off too. For a hunt? Had Kaien called him away? or had he ventured out for his own reasons? Desdemona yawned, her jaws splaying wide as she rose to her pads, arching her spine like a cat as her joints popped into place. She shook out her ivory pelt, maroon and ebony orbs peering into the abandoned den, his scent hung here, everywhere and she breathed it in like the oxygen her body required. She frowned as heat pooled in her abdomen and suddenly her thoughts were redirected, she did not wish for him to return to cuddle her and bathe her in sweet kisses. She wanted him in every way. His body, his love, his desire, she wanted them all.

She moved to the mouth of her den and down the short incline to the stream, lapping up her fill, she could scent other males upon the wind and while her body would be willing to accept any of them, her mind reeled at the thought. No male would touch her. She belonged to Demonio. She was his to take and to seize, his to conquer. Her body yearned for him and only him and as she lifted her maw from the stream, she did not think it was strange her heat had returned to her so quickly, she only thought of her beloved and how badly she wished for him to take this burning, aching need from her. She wanted him with a fierceness she had never felt before. He best return home soon or she swore she would hunt him down herself. She trailed back to their den, unable to stand the burning ache between her legs. Lifting her maw to the heavens a howl erupted from her jaws, pouring his name to the heavens, praying he would hear her.
