
Reflected In You



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2013, 06:54 AM

Wintry eyes watched with wide wonder as the gargantuan man approached. Although he had never met this man, at least not that he could remember. He looked up, head tilted all the way back to stare up at the regal features of the dark male. A sense of awe fell over the boy, ears tilting full forward as Taurig spoke to him. He'd glance away suddenly feeling guilty about what he had done. In truth, he had sneaked away from his mother and siblings so he could go exploring. He was very different from his sisters to tell the truth. They didn't mind lying, didn't mind sneaking out all the time and not feeling guilty about it, but he always did. He'd bite his lip, unable to contain the guilt much longer. If it were anyone else that had confronted him, a darker heart perhaps, he would have had no problem lying to them. But lying to this male? He didn't appear like he wanted to hurt him. His words had sounded kind, and his demeanor the same.

He remained standing, a brief sigh escaping his lips as he frowned slightly. "I...kinda sneaked away from my momma and my sisters. And, I don't know where my dad is...I see him in my dreams though, at least, I think it's him. But I can't tell; it just looks like me but all grown up!" He exclaimed with confusion and uncertainty. He had seen himself, or so he thought, in his dreams. Night in and night out, he dreamed of a cobalt pelt like his, though the markings slightly different. On rare occasions he would dream of two cobalt pelted wolves, one being him and one being another nearly identical. He didn't know who he was, his mother never really telling him who his real father was. So not even a name was familiar to him. However, he would slowly begin to realize the features of the male before him, though for now he was distracted by the thought of receiving an answer. He hadn't payed much attention to Taurig's eyes, not knowing what a blind wolf looked like. Though it would be apparent in the slight off tilt that his head was at, and so Sora would tilt his own crown in the same manner. Curious, he would ask an innocent question that would be natural for a child's piqued curiosity. "Your eyes are awfully light, lighter then mine. Momma says mine are the color of clear blue ice water but that sometimes they change a little. Do your eyes change color too?" He would ask innocently, oblivious to the condition or fact that wolves could lose their sight.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.